What are the best ways to create engaging learning through interactive displays?


Interactive displays are becoming the new accepted standard in classroom education due to advancements in technology.

The usage of technology in schools & several educational institutions are opting for Interactive Displays to avail academic excellence in the classroom. Smart learning methods with the inclusion of technologies in classes have provided a greater chance of wider success for students.

The teacher becomes successful when their students achieve the best in class and in the future. And the success of a child is determined by the way students are engaged in the class. Collaborative learning today is being ensured through the inclusion of technology in the classroom enhancing effective teaching.

The potential of every student has been encouraged by enhancing the participation of students with digital tools in the classes. Innovations have brought a range of opportunities in recent years, and the introduction of an interactive display in the classroom has helped the transformation of classroom teaching at its best.

Enhancing collaborative learning in the education system today edtech solutions providers with digitalization in teaching help in achieving learning & development goals.

What is an Interactive Display?

The Interactive Flat Panel Displays the large format touch screen displays are best suited for meeting rooms, schools, and educational institutions help in achieving greater excellence and creating mutual benefits for both teachers & students. Enhancing educational functionality large format Interactive displays for the classroom have helped in creating greater student engagement. Visual learning, better communication, and attentive sessions can be achieved in this era of digital learning.

Interactive displays can help in the creation of a classroom that is more interactive including students’ participation through activities turning lessons into interesting sessions. The accessibility in the classroom is being enhanced with the features of an Interactive Display enhancing teamwork activities incorporating diverse content, texts, presentations, images, audio & video. These differential learning methods thus help students in adopting distinct learning abilities.

Let us take a look at how Interactive Displays can create engaging learning in classrooms.

Explore the extraordinary modes of learning with the Interactive Display

1)    Bright and clear picture- Maximum screen clarity is achieved through the Ultra-high-definition 4k resolution in Interactive Display. The enhanced clarity in the screen allows students to read and learn lessons clearly.


2)     Ensure interactivity through touch-screen- Enhance a wide range of activities of learners through interactive display through which users can annotate, highlight, write & move objects. Some brands like Globus Infocom Limited allow users to give flexibility through stylus, and finger and palm touch.



3)     Easily operated- Simple integration and easy setup allow users to be handy with the interactive display just after installation.  The inbuilt features attract students to practice these digital tools.


4)    Share data from any device- Making the easy availability of the content by sharing data from any devices like smartphones, tablets, PCs etc. exchange of contents can help teachers and students to be connected mutually.




5)     Saving contents to the cloud- Interactive displays can sync with cloud accounts like google drive and one drive removing geographical and physical barriers by sharing and saving content on the cloud. The available options of screen-mirroring in interactive displays help students to study remotely throughout the lessons enhancing active participation.


6)     Comprehensive solution in one component- The complete turn-key solutions are designed based on the requirement of effective teaching, inbuilt quiz tools, intelligent image search with AI pen, and incorporated content enhancing students’ learning abilities.


7)     Interactive Display boosts social learning- In recent years, researchers have found that the use of technology in the classroom has helped students to enhance their skills, making them more confident and attentive by encouraging collaboration and communication skills in students.




The rise in the usage of technology in the classroom have helped in continuous upgradation of technology. In coming years, the popularity of interactive display in the classroom have helped students to enhance technical skills delivering educational excellence.


Exploring the variety of Interactive Displays provided by EdTech brands. It’s already seen that additional features which encourages active participation provided competitively by different brands giving a wider framework to educators and students. Leading EdTech brands like Globus Infocom Limited can be one of them.


With the mentioned features in this blog, one would ensure why Interactive Display is trending in 21st-century Digitalising the Education.


